In this remodeled facility originally built in 1872, you can experience the joys of the four seasons and the unique culture of Yatsuo. You can stay here and enjoy the daily life of Yatsuo through activities such as wearing kimono and flower arrangement. 越中八尾の「町人文化」や、「四季を楽しむ暮らし」を体験できる、明治5年建造の蔵を改装し た「暮らしを体験する宿」。着物を着たり、花を飾ったりなど八尾の日常が楽しめます。



In this remodeled facility originally built in 1872, you can experience the joys of the four seasons and the unique culture of Yatsuo. You can stay here and enjoy the daily life of Yatsuo through activities such as wearing kimono and flower arrangement.

Try on a kimono and stroll the town of Yatsuo with a tour guide. Enjoy modern Yatsuo while learning about its history and culture. 着物を着てガイドと共に八尾の町を散策します。町の歴史や 文化を紐解きながら、現代の八尾を感じてください。

Kimono Stroll / 着物+散策体験¥3,000/person(tax in) 2 to 8 peoples

Kimono & Stroll / 着物+散策体験 ¥3,000/person(tax in) 2 to 8 peoples
Try on a kimono and stroll the town of Yatsuo with a tour guide. Enjoy modern Yatsuo while learning about its history and culture.

You can rent Building #1 for up to 8 people. Enjoy catering with local Yatsuo ingredients and wild game (reservation required). 蔵を改装した1棟貸の宿は最大8名まで宿泊可能。八尾食材を 使用したジビエ料理のケータリングも楽しめます(要予約)。

Building #1 Rental / 1棟宿泊レンタル ¥24,000 basic rate + ¥3,000/person (tax in)

Building #1 Rental / 1棟宿泊レンタル ¥24,000 basic rate + ¥3,000/person (tax in)
You can rent Building #1 for up to 8 people. Enjoy catering with local Yatsuo ingredients and wild game (reservation required).

phone : 076-482-6955
address : 2701-1 kamishinmachi yatsuo,Toyama / 富山市八尾町上新町2701-1
open : CAFE 13:00 ~ 16:00 BAR 18:00 ~ 22:00
Language : Japanese, English, Chinese / 英語、中国語OK
card : Cash only / 使用不可
closed : CAFE Tue Wed BAR Irregular holiday /CAFE 火曜 水曜 BAR 不定休
HP :
Access : 1mins on foot Kamishinmachiguchi Bus stop / 上新町口バス停より徒歩1分

Welcome to Toyama! In Toyama, you’ll find beautiful attractions such as the World Heritage site of Gokayama, Mount Tateyama and Kurobe etc. From abundant and fresh water, delicious and natural cuisine to traditional industries, Toyama is full of exciting charm. We have made this guide book to help you enjoy the attractions and charm of Toyama to the fullest. Please feel free to grab a copy. We are sure this guide will help you have a more fulfilling time in Toyama. Please take a copy of “Toyama Guide”. You can find the full details in the guide book!