
The restaurant has a narrow entrance with a long room, known as the “eel's bed” in a unique wooden townhouse. Enjoy the tasteful traditional atmosphere of a storehouse from the Meiji period and as well as their Japanese garden. Plenty to see here! 「うなぎの寝床」といわれる、八尾独特の町屋造りのお店。料理を待つ間に、明治時代の趣 きが残る土蔵や土蔵周り、その奥の坪庭も見学できます。見所も豊富な食事処です。 お食事処 おんのじ
Located off the main street, this restaurant recreates the town house of over 100 years ago with its architecture, interior, eating utensils and dishes. It offers a unique taste of Toyama with its local seasonal ingredients, sake and miso100年以上昔の町屋を再生し、建物、内装、しつらえ、うつわにこだわりを持つ小さな路地裏の お店。旬の地元食材、地元の酒や味噌を使って一品一品富山づくしを丁寧に作ります。 山元食道
You can learn about the process of making traditional Yatsuo washi Japanese paper here. Each dyed through stencil dyeing. Keijusha keeps producing new designs, so come and pick out your favorite chic washi paper伝統工芸「八尾和紙」の製作を体験できるお店。型染め技法により1枚ずつ手作業で染色。新 しい図案を提案し続ける『桂樹舎』では、日本ならではの粋な和紙製品の購入もできますよ。 桂樹舎
kappo marlshowhonda 割烹 丸庄本田
Welcome to Toyama! In Toyama, you’ll find beautiful attractions such as the World Heritage site of Gokayama, Mount Tateyama and Kurobe etc. From abundant and fresh water, delicious and natural cuisine to traditional industries, Toyama is full of exciting charm. We have made this guide book to help you enjoy the attractions and charm of Toyama to the fullest. Please feel free to grab a copy. We are sure this guide will help you have a more fulfilling time in Toyama. Please take a copy of “Toyama Guide”. You can find the full details in the guide book!